Monday, November 5, 2012

Fun With The Kiddos

It's time to get to know my kiddos! Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday I head over to the kindergarten at "La Estacion" which use to be a train station and has now become a squatter community which they are trying to build up.  I teach three classes a day and get to hang out during lunch, which can be a little crazy.

The first class: 

 This is Bernardo.  I think he has the highest pitched voice I've ever heard but it's so darn cute!

 And the little lovebirds.  I always catch them switching seats in class so that they can sit together and the other kids tease them about kissing all the time.  So far they've kept it G-rated but I'm keeping an eye on them.


 You might be thinking, "Oh group hug, how cute!" Nope, they're fighting.  This is what I spend about 80% of my day breaking up.

I know I probably shouldn't have favorites but I can't help it.  The one in the red jacket (yes they're all wearing jackets even though it's still 75 degrees) is Francisco and he is the best! He's so smart and so sweet and never misbehaves.  Sometimes when the rest of the kids go a little crazy I'll just go sit and talk with Francisco until the teacher comes back and can get them to calm down. 

Lunch time!
There's not much room in the school so during lunch some of the older classes go outside and two of the younger ones all cram into this little room.  It's always an interesting part of the day because I never know what I'll get flung or spilled on me or what kind of messes I'll have to help clean up.

 Christian is another one of my favorites.  He can be a little devil sometimes but he's probably the funniest kid in the whole school.

The day before Halloween we had a big party and all the kids dressed up and went around to the different classrooms singing songs and passing out candy.  

One class even made a Day of the Dead altar.

Luckily I finally found the one place here that sells Dr. Pepper so after a long day of teaching I can kick back and relax a little.

The big excitement has been that a camera crew came down to make a documentary of us for the International Volunteer Headquarters website so now we're all going to be famous.  The video is still being worked on but they've posted a few things so far on Facebook and on the website. 

Of all the pictures they must have I can't believe they decided to use this one.  I'm just hoping I don't always have this look of total disgust on my face when I'm trying to understand someone!

 Learning the hokey pokey.       



  1. Great posts. All i know is that you look absolutely adorable in every single picture!

  2. Agreed...even the look of absolute disgust that says, "why the hell don't you just speak english?!" is kind of endearing.
